Building Savings in 2020

The past year was marked with the global coronavirus pandemic, which has had a severe impact on our lives. It was not any different in building savings banks. Although we had to reduce interpersonal contacts, which are at the core of our work, adapt the way the companies operate and transfer employees to home office, the building societies achieved excellent results.

  • Building savings banks provided 55,005 new loans for a total value of CZK 65.4 billion. The average amount of loans thus reached almost CZK 1.2 million.
  • People concluded 519,696 new building savings contracts. At the end of the year, building savings banks registered 3,242,740 con­tracts in the savings phase.
  • Building savings banks administered CZK 362.7 billion for their clients. This is 13% of Czech household bank deposits in the banking sector.
  • The average amount saved per contract is almost CZK 112 thousand and it has hardly changed in the last five years.
  • The efficiency of the entire building savings system increased year-on-year. At the end of the year, the clients were lent 80.9% of total deposits, which is the most in history.

Building Savings in 2020 (EN, format: PDF, size: 1,04 MB)
Stavební spoření v roce 2020 (CZ, format: PDF, size: 538 kB)